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Weekly IRS Roundup May 20 – May 24, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of May 20, 2024 – May 24, 2024.

May 20, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-21, which includes the following:

  • Treasury Decision 9992, which includes final regulations on the standards under which a qualified investment entity, such as a real estate investment entity, would be “domestically controlled” for purposes of 897(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code), effective as of April 25, 2024. The final regulations are generally consistent with the proposed regulations previously issued on December 29, 2022, and include a 10-year transition rule for certain existing structures.
  • Notice 2024-37, which provides guidance on the availability of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Tax Credit found in Code 40B as both an income tax credit and an excise tax credit under Code §§ 6426 and 6427. The notice also provides additional safe harbors under which the SAF’s life cycle greenhouse gas emissions reduction percentage can be calculated.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-24, which provides procedures for requesting private letter rulings for transactions intended to qualify under Code 355 as tax-free spin-offs. The guidance was accompanied by Notice 2024-38, which requests taxpayer comments with respect to all provisions in the guidance.
  • Announcement 2024-18, which lists disciplinary sanctions for certain professionals, including lawyers, certified public accountants and appraisers, for violating the regulations governing practice before the IRS set out in Circular 230.
  • Announcement 2024-21, which revokes the Code § 501(c)(3) determination for specified organizations and stipulates that contributions made to said organizations by individual donors are no longer deductible under Code § 170(b)(1)(A).
  • Supplemental guidance accompanying the proposed regulations from December 26, 2023, relating to the Code 45V tax credit for the production of clean hydrogen and the Code § 48(a)(15) election to treat clean hydrogen production facilities as energy property.

May 20, 2024: The IRS was recognized for its financial management and performance reporting in its 2023 Agency Financial Report.

May 21, 2024: The IRS provided an overview of tax deductions, housing allowances and other tax benefits that homeowners can use to save money and offset related costs.

May 22, 2024: The IRS provided year-round tax planning pointers to help taxpayers stay organized and facilitate their tax planning. Among other things, the IRS suggests creating a system to keep tax records together; checking withholdings using the IRS withholding estimator; and notifying USPS, employers and the IRS of any address or name changes.

May 22, 2024: The IRS announced that the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit Program Applicant Portal (Code § 48C Portal), which provides a tax credit for investments in advanced energy projects, is open for concept paper submissions. Submissions [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup April 1 – April 5, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of April 1, 2024 – April 5, 2024.

April 1, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-14, which includes the following:

  • Notice 2024-29, which provides updates on the corporate bond monthly yield curve, the corresponding spot segment rates for February 2024 used under § 417(e)(3)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code), the 24-month average segment rates applicable for March 2024, and the 30-year Treasury rates as reflected by the application of § 430(h)(2)(C)(iv).
  • Revenue Ruling 2024-7, which provides the April 2024 applicable federal rates.
  • Proposed regulations, which provide guidance on the Section 45V production tax credit added by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) and on the election to treat qualified property that is part of a specified clean hydrogen production facility as energy property under Section 48.

April 1, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers to beware of scammers attempting to sell or offer help setting up an online account on IRS.gov. Their goal is to get personal tax and financial information that can be used to commit identity theft.

April 2, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers there is still time to file federal income tax returns electronically and request direct deposit before the April 15 deadline.

April 2, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers to beware of promotors who push improper Fuel Tax Credit claims by misleading taxpayers as it relates to fuel use and creating fictitious documents or receipts for fuel.

April 2, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that the credit for other dependents is a $500 nonrefundable credit available to those with dependents who are not eligible for the Child Tax Credit. Taxpayers can claim this credit in addition to the child and dependent care credit and the Earned Income Credit.

April 3, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers affected by the terrorist attacks in Israel that they have until October 7, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns that were originally due March 15 or April 15, make tax payments and perform other time-sensitive tax-related actions.

April 3, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers to avoid offer in compromise (OIC) “mills” that aggressively mislead by raising false expectations and exploiting vulnerable individuals with promises that tax debt can magically disappear. OIC mills are on the IRS’s “Dirty Dozen” list.

April 3, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers who adopted or started the adoption process in 2023 that they may qualify for the adoption credit.

April 4, 2024: The IRS warned taxpayers about groups masquerading as charitable organizations to attract donations from unsuspecting contributors and gather sensitive personal and financial information that can be exploited for tax-related identity fraud.

April 4, 2024: The IRS
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Weekly IRS Roundup February 26 – March 1, 2024

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of February 26, 2024 – March 1, 2024.

February 26, 2024: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-9, which includes the following:

  • Announcement 2024-11, which shares recent disciplinary sanctions involving lawyers, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, enrolled actuaries, enrolled retirement plan agents and appraisers.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-12, which extends the time for providing certain seller reports for vehicle sales that qualify for the clean vehicle credit or the previously owned clean vehicle credit under Internal Revenue Code (Code) §§ 30D and 25E, respectfully.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-13, which provides two tables of limitations on depreciation deductions for owners of passenger automobiles placed in service during calendar year 2024 and a table of dollar amounts that must be used to determine income inclusions by passenger automobile lessees with a lease term beginning in calendar year 2024.
  • Revenue Procedure 2024-14, which provides indexing adjustments for applicable dollar amounts under Code § 4980H(c)(1) and (b)(1). These indexed amounts are used to calculate the employer shared responsibility payments under § 4980H(a) and (b)(1), respectively.

February 26, 2024: The IRS announced that it will accept supplemental applications from all qualified organizations for Low Income Taxpayer Clinic matching grants from February 26 to April 10.

February 26, 2024: The IRS provided businesses, tax professionals and others who want to learn more about resolving incorrect Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims a free webinar about the ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program and other IRS efforts to help taxpayers who may have been misled by aggressive marketing and misinformation around ERC eligibility.

February 27, 2024: The IRS announced that individuals and businesses in parts of California affected by severe storms and flooding that began on January 21, 2024, now have until June 17, 2024, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.

February 27, 2024: The IRS announced that two private sector experts with extensive experience in the tax and cryptocurrency industries have been hired as executive advisors to help the agency’s efforts within the digital assets space.

February 27, 2024: The IRS released Notice 2024-26, which provides that withholding agents (both US and foreign persons) are administratively exempt from the requirements to electronically file Forms 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons, that are required to be filed in calendar year 2024. Additionally, withholding agents that are foreign persons are administratively exempt from the requirements to electronically file Forms 1042 that are required to be filed in calendar year 2025.

February 28, 2024: The IRS reminded taxpayers that recent improvements to Where’s My Refund? provide more information and remains the best way to check the status of a refund, including information regarding IRS confirmation [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup November 21 – November 25, 2022

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of November 21, 2022 – November 25, 2022.

November 21, 2022: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2022-47, which highlights the following:

  • Revenue Procedure 2022-40: This revenue procedure provides that a plan sponsor that maintains a Section 403(b) individually designed plan will be permitted to submit a determination letter application for an initial plan determination, for a determination upon plan termination and in certain other circumstances.
  • Announcement 2022-22: This announcement contains a correction to Notice 2022-41, which contained a typographical error in the first sentence of the “GUIDANCE” section. The sentence included a reference to a “non-calendar year” cafeteria plan but should instead refer to any cafeteria plan.
  • Revenue Ruling 2022-21: This revenue ruling provides that the base period T-bill rate for the period that ended September 30, 2022, is 1.71%.
  • Notice 2022-56: This notice requests comments related to the qualified commercial clean vehicles provisions and the alternative fuel vehicle refueling property.
  • Notice 2022-57: This notice requests comments related to the tax credit for carbon oxide sequestration.
  • Notice 2022-58: This notice requests comments related to the tax credit for the production of clean hydrogen and the clean fuel production credit.

November 21, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-178, reminding individuals that the amount they can contribute to their Section 401(k) plans in 2023 will increase to $22,500. All of the cost‑of‑living adjustments affecting dollar limitations for pension plans and other retirement-related items for tax year 2023 are included in Notice 2022-55.

November 21, 2022: The IRS released Notice 2022-62, which contains the 2022 Required Retirement Plan Amendments List. This list establishes the end of the remedial amendment period and the plan amendment deadline for changes in qualification requirements and Section 403(b) requirements set forth on the list for qualified individually designed plans and Section 403(b) individually designed plans, respectively.

November 22, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-179, providing guidelines to help keep online personal information safe. The tips include the following:

  • Always protect personal data
  • Only shop at reputable retailers
  • Use security software
  • Choose strong passwords and two-factor authentication
  • Know the risk of public Wi-Fi
  • Learn to recognize and avoid scams
  • Be aware of compromised accounts.

November 22, 2022: The IRS encouraged taxpayers to get ready to file their 2022 federal income tax returns by gathering records, renewing expired tax ID numbers and bookmarking online tools at IRS.gov.

November 22, 2022: The IRS issued proposed regulations related to the foreign tax credit, which provide guidance with respect to the reattribution asset rule for purposes of allocating and apportioning foreign taxes, the cost recovery requirement and the [...]

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