In the below Tax Takes Video, Dan Zucker and Alexander Lee discuss the pros and cons of converting your entity from an S corp to a C corp.
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In the below Tax Takes Video, Dan Zucker and Alexander Lee discuss the pros and cons of converting your entity from an S corp to a C corp.
Under Subpart F, certain types of income and investments of earnings of a foreign corporation controlled by US shareholders (controlled foreign corporation, or CFC) are deemed distributed to the US shareholders and subject to current taxation. The recent tax reform legislation (Public Law No. 115-97) increased the amount of CFC income currently taxable to US shareholders, and expanded the CFC ownership rules, which means more foreign corporations are treated as CFCs.
A number of provisions included in the Senate’s tax reform bill, H.R. 1 (the Senate Bill) would impact the insurance sector. Many of the provisions would affect only the life insurance industry. Others affect property & casualty (P&C) insurance companies. Still others affect both life and P&C insurance companies.
Many of these proposals align with proposals in the tax reform bill passed by the House of Representatives and given that alignment, may be on the way to becoming law. We will be watching these provisions closely as this historic tax reform initiative proceeds. Continue Reading