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IRS Finalizes New Schedule UTP and UTP Instructions

On December 22, 2022, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) finalized changes to Schedule UTP, Uncertain Tax Position Statement, and Instructions for Schedule UTP. Proposed changes to Schedule UTP and the UTP Instructions were announced on October 11, 2022, with comments requested by November 18, 2022. Our prior coverage of the proposed changes and comments can be found here and here.

Several comments were submitted in response to the proposed changes, expressing significant concerns regarding privilege issues, the increase in information required to be disclosed and uncertainty surrounding penalty protection. We submitted our own comments, which focused primarily on the IRS’s proposal to require taxpayers to identify all “contrary authorities” to a position identified on Schedule UTP, including nonprecedential and unpublished guidance.

The final Schedule UTP and UTP Instructions removed the requirement to identify nonprecedential and unpublished guidance. The UTP Instructions also modified the language regarding what is needed for the concise description of the issue to focus more on the facts involved. Finally, the IRS confirmed that the amount of any reserve need not be disclosed, but rather just the amount listed on the line to which the uncertain tax position relates. These are welcome developments for taxpayers and should alleviate some of the concerns expressed by commentators. However, the IRS has not indicated what impact these final changes will have on its “policy of restraint” to seek accrual work papers.

Practice Point: Corporate taxpayers with uncertain tax positions now have a final form and final instructions to use for their 2022 tax reporting. They should review the finalized changes and determine the best approach to ensure compliance with these changes.

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Weekly IRS Roundup December 5 – December 9, 2022

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of December 5, 2022 – December 9, 2022.

December 5, 2022: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2022-49, which highlights the following:

  • Revenue Procedure 2022-39: This revenue procedure obsoletes Revenue Procedure 94-69, 1994-2 C.B. 804, and sets out the procedures for eligible taxpayers to file an amended return under Section 1.6664-2(c)(4)(ii) of the regulations. This revenue procedure also sets out the procedures for eligible taxpayers to avoid Sections 6662(b)(1) and 6662(b)(2) accuracy-related penalties to the extent that the taxpayers report errors resulting in additional tax or adequately discloses the tax treatment of an item that has a reasonable basis.
  • Notice 2022-60: This notice sets forth the corporate bond monthly yield curve, the corresponding spot segment rates and the 24-month average segment rates for November 2022. The notice also provides guidance as to interest rates on 30-year Treasury securities and 30-year Treasury weighted average rates.
  • Notice 2022-62: This notice contains the 2022 Required Retirement Plan Amendments List. The list establishes the end of the remedial amendment period and the plan amendment deadline for changes in qualification requirements and Section 403(b) requirements for qualified individually designed plans and Section 403(b) individually designed plans, respectively.
  • Proposed Regulations 112096-22: This document contains proposed regulations related to the foreign tax credit, which provide guidance with respect to the reattribution asset rule for purposes of allocating and apportioning foreign taxes, the cost recovery requirement and the attribution rule for withholding tax on royalty payments. Written comments should be received by January 23, 2023, for consideration.
  • Revenue Rule 2022-22: This revenue ruling provides the applicable federal rates for federal income tax purposes for December 2022. The short-term federal interest rate will increase to 4.55%, the mid-term rate will rise to 4.27% and the long-term rate will rise to 4.34%.

December 5, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-185, promoting IRS social media accounts and e-News services. The IRS utilizes several social media platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

December 6, 2022: The IRS and the US Department of the Treasury (Treasury) issued proposed regulations that identify certain syndicated conservation easement (SCE) transactions as “listed transactions,” which means they must be reported to the IRS. The IRS previously identified certain SCE transactions in Notice 2017-10, however, courts have recently held that Notice 2017-10 is invalid because it did not follow notice and public comment procedures. The IRS also released Announcement 2022-28, which provides additional background information related to Notice 2017-10 and notes the IRS and the Treasury’s disagreement with the courts.

December 6, 2022: The IRS encouraged taxpayers to take important steps in December in preparation of filing their 2022 federal [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup November 28 – December 2, 2022

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of November 28, 2022 – December 2, 2022.

November 28, 2022: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2022-48, which highlights the following:

  • Notice 2022-59: This notice provides the adjusted applicable dollar amount to be multiplied by the average number of covered lives for purposes of calculating the fee imposed by Sections 4375 and 4376 for policy years and plan years that end on or after October 1, 2022, and before October 1, 2023. The amount is $3.00, up from $2.79.
  • Announcement 2022-23: This announcement notifies taxpayers of new credit amounts for calendar year 2022 for the renewable electricity production credit under Section 45, in the case of any qualified facility placed in service after December 31, 2021.

November 28, 2022: The IRS and Security Summit partners announced the kick-off date for the 7th National Tax Security Awareness Week. The group also urged people to be aware of holiday scams and to protect their personal information.

November 28, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-181, reminding taxpayers to be aware of gift card scammers during the holidays. One of the common scams used this time of year is con artists asking taxpayers to pay fake tax bills with gift cards. Scammers also sometimes use a compromised email account to request gift card purchases for family and friends.

November 29, 2022: The IRS warned taxpayers to be on alert for scammers using fake charities as a way to make money during the holiday season. The message came on Giving Tuesday as part of Nationwide Tax Security Awareness Week. Tips for avoiding fake charity scams include not giving into pressure, being wary of how donations are requested and not giving more than is needed.

November 29, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-182, reminding people that they may be eligible for more than one filing status. The IRS suggests that taxpayers review their options and pick the one that makes the most sense for them.

November 29, 2022: The IRS announced that interest rates will increase for the first quarter of 2023. The new interest rates, published in Revenue Ruling 2022-23, begin January 1, 2023, and are as follows:

  • Overpayments: 7%
  • Overpayments for corporations: 6%
  • Corporate overpayments for portion exceeding $10,000: 4.5%
  • Underpayments: 7%
  • Large corporate underpayments: 9%

November 29, 2022: The IRS announced that the IRS Office of Chief Counsel, along with the American Bar Association, held its first centralized National Virtual Settlement Event in October. Over the course of four days, 44 cases were settled and at least 59 meetings took place with taxpayers, pro bono attorneys and representatives from the IRS Office of Chief Counsel.

November 29, 2022: The IRS
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IRS Issues New Procedures for Large Corporate Audit Disclosures

For decades, large corporate taxpayers under continuous audit have been able to make disclosures under Revenue Procedure 94-69 at the beginning of an examination to notify the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of adjustments (both positive and negative) to their tax returns and thereby obtain protection from various penalties and obviate the need to file a formal amended tax return. In 2020, the IRS questioned the continuing utility of this disclosure process and invited comments on said process. With the new Revenue Procedure 2022-39, the IRS has moved the largest corporate taxpayers into a new era of voluntary disclosure. This is a significant development for impacted taxpayers.

Read more here.

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Weekly IRS Roundup November 21 – November 25, 2022

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of November 21, 2022 – November 25, 2022.

November 21, 2022: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2022-47, which highlights the following:

  • Revenue Procedure 2022-40: This revenue procedure provides that a plan sponsor that maintains a Section 403(b) individually designed plan will be permitted to submit a determination letter application for an initial plan determination, for a determination upon plan termination and in certain other circumstances.
  • Announcement 2022-22: This announcement contains a correction to Notice 2022-41, which contained a typographical error in the first sentence of the “GUIDANCE” section. The sentence included a reference to a “non-calendar year” cafeteria plan but should instead refer to any cafeteria plan.
  • Revenue Ruling 2022-21: This revenue ruling provides that the base period T-bill rate for the period that ended September 30, 2022, is 1.71%.
  • Notice 2022-56: This notice requests comments related to the qualified commercial clean vehicles provisions and the alternative fuel vehicle refueling property.
  • Notice 2022-57: This notice requests comments related to the tax credit for carbon oxide sequestration.
  • Notice 2022-58: This notice requests comments related to the tax credit for the production of clean hydrogen and the clean fuel production credit.

November 21, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-178, reminding individuals that the amount they can contribute to their Section 401(k) plans in 2023 will increase to $22,500. All of the cost‑of‑living adjustments affecting dollar limitations for pension plans and other retirement-related items for tax year 2023 are included in Notice 2022-55.

November 21, 2022: The IRS released Notice 2022-62, which contains the 2022 Required Retirement Plan Amendments List. This list establishes the end of the remedial amendment period and the plan amendment deadline for changes in qualification requirements and Section 403(b) requirements set forth on the list for qualified individually designed plans and Section 403(b) individually designed plans, respectively.

November 22, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-179, providing guidelines to help keep online personal information safe. The tips include the following:

  • Always protect personal data
  • Only shop at reputable retailers
  • Use security software
  • Choose strong passwords and two-factor authentication
  • Know the risk of public Wi-Fi
  • Learn to recognize and avoid scams
  • Be aware of compromised accounts.

November 22, 2022: The IRS encouraged taxpayers to get ready to file their 2022 federal income tax returns by gathering records, renewing expired tax ID numbers and bookmarking online tools at

November 22, 2022: The IRS issued proposed regulations related to the foreign tax credit, which provide guidance with respect to the reattribution asset rule for purposes of allocating and apportioning foreign taxes, the cost recovery requirement and the [...]

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Weekly IRS Roundup November 14 – November 18, 2022

Presented below is our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of November 14, 2022 – November 18, 2022.

November 14, 2022: The IRS released Internal Revenue Bulletin 2022-46, which highlights the following:

  • Announcement 2022-21: The Office of Professional Responsibility announced recent disciplinary sanctions involving lawyers, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, enrolled actuaries, enrolled retirement plan agents and appraisers.

November 14, 2022: The IRS released Notice 2022-59, which provides the adjusted applicable dollar amount to be multiplied by the average number of covered lives for purposes of calculating the fee imposed by Sections 4375 and 4376 for policy years and plan years that end on or after October 1, 2022, and before October 1, 2023. The amount is $3.00, up from $2.79.

November 14, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-174, which provides an overview of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR). We have previously posted about TBOR.

November 15, 2022: The IRS released Tax Tip 2022-175, reminding people that Giving Tuesday is coming up and is a good time to review whether their charitable donation is tax deductible. Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

November 15, 2022: The IRS reminded taxpayers that IRS Free File will be closed after November 17. IRS Free File allows people with incomes of $73,000 or less to file a return online for free using brand name software.

November 15, 2022: The IRS Advisory Council issued its 2022 Public Report, which includes recommendations for new and continuing issues in tax administration. The report emphasized the need for “consistent and multi-year funding for the IRS to achieve its goals of providing efficient, effective, modern service to the nation’s taxpayers.” The 146-page report details recommendations for 21 issues, including:

  • IRS business and information technology modernization
  • Reduction in electronic filing threshold for information return filers
  • Alignment of electronic signature requirements on withholding certificates
  • Accelerated issuance of IRS Form 6166, Certification of US Residency
  • Series 8038 Form Redesign and Updates
  • Business Master File Transcript Delivery Service

November 15, 2022: The IRS issued Revenue Rule 2022-22, which provides the applicable federal rates for federal income tax purposes for December 2022. The short-term federal interest rate will increase to 4.55%, the mid-term rate will rise to 4.27% and the long-term rate will rise to 4.34%.

November 16, 2022: The IRS released Revenue Procedure 2022-39, which obsoletes Revenue Procedure 94-69, 1994-2 C.B. 804, and sets out the procedures for eligible taxpayers to file an amended return in accordance with Section 1.6664-2(c)(4)(ii) of the regulations. This revenue procedure also sets out the procedures for eligible taxpayers to avoid the Sections 6662(b)(1) and 6662(b)(2) accuracy related penalties to the extent that the taxpayers report errors resulting in additional tax or adequately discloses the tax treatment of an [...]

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Supreme Court Denies Certiorari in Whirlpool

On November 21, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States denied certiorari in Whirlpool Financial Corp., et al., Petitioners v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, No. 22-9. This means that the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit’s decision remains in effect and is binding on the taxpayers who reside in that circuit. However, for taxpayers in other circuits, the Sixth Circuit’s decision is only persuasive authority and not binding precedent. Thus, it remains to be seen whether taxpayers in other jurisdictions will challenge the result reached in Whirlpool, and if they do, how appellate courts outside the Sixth Circuit will rule.

Prior coverage of this case can be found below:

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Update on IRS Enforcement Efforts

We frequently post about the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) tax enforcement trends and announcements. Prior examples from this year include the release of a five-year strategic plan emphasizing enforcement, the plan to hire up to 200 additional attorneys to assist with litigation efforts, the implementation of the Large Partnership Compliance (LPC) Pilot Program, a focus on tax compliance of non-US citizens and residents, and the creation of a new Joint Strategic Emerging Issues Team to identify emerging “abusive transactions.” Over the past several weeks, the IRS has provided additional updates on its enforcement efforts and future plans, including the following:

  • The IRS is considering raising the economic substance doctrine more frequently in transfer pricing examinations—even those where taxpayers have transfer pricing documentation—and asserting penalties more often in transfer pricing cases. This follows the announcement last April that executive approval is no longer needed before asserting the codified economic substance doctrine under Internal Revenue Code Section 7701(o).
  • The IRS plans to grow the LPC program and envisions it functioning similar to corporate examinations conducted by the Large Business & International Division.
  • The IRS’s Criminal Investigation (CI) Division is highly focused on criminal digital asset cases and intends to make many of these cases public. This follows the recent release of the CI Division’s annual report.
  • The IRS intends to expend more resources on examinations of high-income/high-net-worth taxpayers.
  • The IRS has proposed to require the disclosure of more information regarding corporate taxpayers’ uncertain tax positions, including citations to contrary authorities, which, if finalized, will likely lead to more examinations and challenges to tax reporting positions.

Practice Point: Tax enforcement has been down over the past several years, including a slowdown in audit operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. With increased funding from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and proposed restrictions on access to IRS Appeals for certain matters, we expect more examinations and tax disputes in the near future. Taxpayers and their advisors should prepare. Consider working with your tax controversy advisor to discuss your more vulnerable return positions to see how to better defend against the impending tax enforcement wave!

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Update on Schedule UTP Comments

We previously discussed the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) announcement regarding draft changes to Schedule UTP, Uncertain Tax Position Return Statement, and Instructions to Schedule UTP (Form 1120). The IRS requested comments by November 18, 2022.

On November 14, 2022, we submitted our comments to the IRS outlining some of our concerns with the draft changes, focusing primarily on the scope of disclosure. We made the following recommendations:

  • Reconsider whether any changes should be made to Schedule UTP given the current rules in place regarding other disclosures (g., Forms 8275 and 8275-R) and the serious privilege concerns raised by the additional disclosure requirements.
  • Remove the requirement to disclose any positions that are “contrary” to any authorities or, at a minimum, to any Private Guidance.
  • If changes are made to Schedule UTP, work with taxpayers to determine the appropriate standard for determining whether there is “contrary” authority and what steps a taxpayer or return preparer must take before being able to satisfy the jurat requirement.
  • Issue published guidance clarifying that proper disclosure on Schedule UTP will satisfy the adequate disclosure requirement for purposes of both the disregard of rules and regulations and substantial understatement of tax grounds for imposing penalties under I.R.C. § 6662.
  • If changes are made to Schedule UTP, delay the effective date to the 2023 tax year (processing year 2024).

We will continue to track potential changes to Schedule UTP and Form 1120 and will provide updates as they are made known.

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