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IRS Roundup January 13 – 17, 2025

Check out our summary of significant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance and relevant tax matters for the week of January 13, 2025 – January 17, 2025.


January 15, 2025: The US Department of the Treasury (Treasury) and the IRS published final regulations, providing guidance on the resolution of federal tax controversies by the IRS Independent Office of Appeals (IRS Appeals). These final regulations are applicable to requests for IRS Appeals consideration made on or after February 14, 2025.

The Taxpayer First Act of 2019 (TFA) codified IRS Appeals and prescribed that its consideration should be “generally available to all taxpayers” who wished to resolve their federal tax controversies. Proposed regulations published on September 13, 2022, identified 24 exceptions to the term “federal tax controversy.” These exceptions preclude IRS Appeals from considering taxpayer challenges to the constitutionality of statutes and the validity of regulations, as well as the procedural validity of notices and revenue procedures. During the comment period for the proposed regulations, the exceptions regarding statutory/regulatory challenges were the focus of most public comments by far. However, the exceptions were left almost entirely unchanged in the final version of the regulations.

Practice Point: Because the TFA prescribes that IRS Appeals consideration should be “generally available to all taxpayers,” we expect judicial challenges to the validity of the final regulations on Administrative Procedure Act and substantive grounds. In the interim taxpayers should continue asserting their arguments challenging the validity of deficient guidance on constitutional or other grounds.

  • Relatedly, the IRS issued Announcement 2025-6, which describes three pilot initiatives that will test changes to existing Alternative Dispute Resolution programs. These programs are designed to help taxpayers resolve tax disputes earlier and more efficiently. The pilots focus on Fast Track Settlement, a program that allows IRS Appeals to mediate disputes between a taxpayer and the IRS while the case is still within the jurisdiction of the examination function, and Post-Appeals Mediation, a program in which a mediator helps foster a settlement between IRS Appeals and the taxpayer.


January 14, 2025: The Treasury and the IRS published final regulations regarding the clean electricity production credit under Internal Revenue Code (Code) Section 45Y and the clean electricity investment credit under Code Section 48E, established by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). These final regulations provide rules for determining greenhouse gas emissions rates resulting from the production of electricity, petitioning for provisional emissions rates, and determining eligibility for these credits in various circumstances. The final regulations affect all taxpayers who claim the clean electricity production credit with respect to a qualified facility or the clean electricity investment credit with respect to a qualified facility or energy storage technology, as applicable, that is placed in service after 2024.

January 15, 2025: The IRS issued Notice 2025-9, which provides a safe harbor for the incremental cost of certain qualified commercial clean vehicles placed in service in calendar year [...]

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IRS Hints at Revenue Procedure 94-69 Update

At a recent Tax Executives Institute conference in New York, an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) spokesperson stated that guidance and a new final form will be issued when the IRS and the US Department of the Treasury replace the disclosure procedures laid out in Revenue Procedure 94-69 1994-2 C.B. 804. The updated guidance will define the scope of the required disclosures and detail how to create them.

As we previously discussed, the IRS published a new draft form (Form 15307, Post-Filing Disclosure for Specified Large Business Taxpayers) in February 2022 and requested comments on the new form. A significant amount of useful comments was received from taxpayers and tax professionals on Form 15307 and the IRS is in the process of finalizing the form based upon said comments, which will be released to aid in the implementation of the new guidance replacing Revenue Procedure 94-69. No timing was provided on when the new form and guidance will be issued.

Practice Point: We are happy to hear that the disclosure procedures in Revenue Procedure 94-69 is here to stay, albeit in some form or fashion. Numerous large business taxpayers rely on this mechanism to clean up errors made on the return without having to file a formal amended return.

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National Taxpayer Advocate’s Report Highlights Tough Times for Tax Administration

On January 12, 2022, the National Taxpayer Advocate released a report to US Congress concerning the state of tax administration in 2021. The report highlights the struggles the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been having in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, including how the IRS is substantially behind in processing returns, the breakdown of the IRS call center, delays in processing responses to IRS notices sent to taxpayers and a myriad of other issues. (There is indeed a backlog for processing millions of tax returns!)

The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) can be a helpful and powerful tool for taxpayers looking to resolve their tax issues with the IRS. We have provided information on this resource in earlier submissions. (See Taxpayer Advocate Service: Not Just for Low-Income Taxpayers.)

Practice Point: For those who are having difficulties interacting with the IRS and unable to achieve reasonable or satisfactory responses or explanations, seeking assistance from TAS can go a long way in resolving tax issues. The process is free to taxpayers and starts with the filing of Form 911 with the appropriate TAS office. If you seek assistance in the near future, be mindful that TAS is currently flooded with requests for help but will work your case—if it meets the relevant criteria—as soon as possible. A dose of patience will be needed to work through this resource to obtain a successful resolution of your tax issue.

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IRS Provides Guidance to LB&I Examiners on Requesting Participation in Appeals Conferences

We recently covered the Appeals Team Case Leader Conferencing Initiative: Summary of Findings and Next Steps (Appeals Summary) in relation to the participation of Large Business & International (LB&I) exam teams and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Chief Counsel attorneys in conferences before the IRS Independent Office of Appeals (IRS Appeals). As discussed, the Appeals Summary concluded that IRS Appeals would be given discretion to invite exam teams and Chief Counsel attorneys to attend IRS Appeals conferences in the future. In determining whether such discretion should be exercised in a case, the Appeals Summary states that both the taxpayers’ and the exam teams’s views should be solicited and considered.

In a November 8, 2021, memorandum (LB&I Memorandum), the Acting Assistance Deputy Compliance Integration for the LB&I Division Theodore D. Setzer provided guidance to LB&I employees on requesting participation. The LB&I Memorandum reflects the LB&I Divisons’s view that participation in certain IRS Appeals conferences is important for fostering effective tax administration and assisting IRS Appeals in resolving tax controversy on a basis which is fair and impartial to taxpayers and the government. Thus, LB&I employees “should continue to request to be invited where LB&I participation would help improve understanding of factual and legal differences in a case.” The LB&I Memorandum directs LB&I employees to consider the following nonexclusive list of factors before making a request to attend an IRS Appeals conference:

  • The case is factually complex;
  • History has shown lack of meeting of the minds regarding the underlying facts or legal positions;
  • The taxpayer’s characterization of LB&I’s position in the formal written protest is not accurately stated and participation by both the taxpayer and LB&I at the Appeals conference will assist Appeals in both bridging the lack of understanding and better understanding the case;
  • The taxpayer has presented multiple legal arguments or authorities that it relies on to support its position;
  • The case involves outside experts or expert opinions;
  • The case involves an issue of importance to tax administration, such as a case of first impression; one involving the interpretation of a new statute or regulation when there are no reported opinions or when published guidance is pending or where precedent is otherwise absent or conflicting; one affecting large numbers of taxpayers or an industry; or one falling within an operating division’s major strategic goal;
  • The case involves an issue in which the Government seeks to distinguish a position set forth in published guidance;
  • The case involves an issue coordinated under strategic compliance/coordination initiative such as LB&I campaigns or
  • A tax shelter case involving a “Listed Transaction” or substantially similar transaction within the meaning of Treas. Reg. 1.6001-4(b)(2), or a “Transaction of Interest” under Treas. Reg. 1.6011-4(b)(6).

The LB&I Memorandum states that a participation request must be made in one of two ways. The first is by indicating the request on Form 4665, Report Transmittal. According to Internal Revenue Manual Section (03-25-2021), Form 4665 is used to [...]

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Law360: A Look At Tax Code Section 199’s Last Stand

Andy Roberson, Kevin Spencer and Emily Mussio recently authored an article for Law360 entitled, “A Look At Tax Code Section 199’s Last Stand.” The article discusses the IRS’s contentious history in handling Code Section 199 and the taxpayers’ continued battle to claim the benefit – even after its recent repeal.

Access the full article.

Originally published in Law360, November 2018.

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IRS Announces That CAP Will Continue

On August 27, 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that the Compliance Assurance Process (CAP) program will continue, with some modifications.  As we previously discussed, the IRS began an assessment of the CAP program in August 2016 to determine if any recalibration was needed.

CAP is an IRS program that seeks to identify and resolve tax issues through open, cooperative, and transparent interaction between the IRS and Large Business and International (LB&I) taxpayers prior to the filing of a return.  The goal of CAP is greater certainty of the treatment of tax positions sooner and with less administrative burden than conventional post-file audits.  The program began in 2005, and became permanent in 2011.  Several notable taxpayers publically disclose their involvement in the CAP program. (more…)

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IRS OVDP Ending | Time Is Now for Coming into US Tax Compliance – Especially for Those with Willfulness Issues

On March 13, 2018, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that it will begin ramping down the current Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) and urged taxpayers with undisclosed foreign assets to apply for the program prior to its close on September 28, 2018. We have previously reported on developments in the OVDP.

Access the full article. 

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Virtual IRS Appeals – A New Frontier?

The Internal Revenue Service Office of Appeals (IRS Appeals) recently announced that it will offer a new virtual “face-to-face” option in the form of web-based communication to taxpayers and representatives to resolve tax disputes. IRS Office of Appeals Pilots Virtual Service, IRS (July 24, 2017. This announcement comes on the heels of other changes at IRS Appeals that curtail the ability of taxpayers to have face-to-face hearings with IRS Appeals. The IRS cites the need for the new service because of IRS Appeals’ large (and growing) case load—more than 100,000 cases each year! For some our prior coverage on recent changes at IRS Appeals, see here, here, here and here.

Practice Point: In the wake of an ever-shrinking budget, resources and staff, the IRS really has no choice but to try new and arguably more efficient methods to move cases along. The backlog of cases at IRS Appeals is staggering, and our clients are experiencing long wait times until a case is even assigned to an IRS Appeals officer. Then when the case is assigned, it typically sits for months until real progress can be made. This is not the fault of the IRS or the individual Appeals’ officers, but really the reality of a resource-starved governmental agency. The virtual appeals conference is seemingly a good method to conduct an Appeals conference for simple cases. If a case is complex, however, a virtual conference may be no different (or no more effective) than a telephonic conference. In cases that require extensive explanation, it is hard to see how the IRS Appeals conference will be effectively conducted virtually. But “hope springs eternal.”

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Fast Track Settlement Now For SB/SE Taxpayers

Today, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Revenue Procedure 2017-25 extending the Fast Track Settlement (FTS) program to Small Business / Self Employed (SB/SE) taxpayers.  The IRS’s SB/SE group serves individuals filing Form 1040 (US Individual Income Tax Return), Schedules C, E, F or Form 2106 (Employee Business Expenses), and businesses with assets under $10 million.

FTS offers a customer-driven approach to resolving tax disputes at the earliest possible stage in the examination process. The program provides an independent IRS Appeals review of the dispute.  Under this approach, the IRS Appeals Officer acts as the mediator and has settlement authority.

The purpose of the program is to reduce the time to resolve cases and to provide the IRS Exam Team with the authority to settle cases based on hazards of litigation (which is generally reserved for IRS Appeals Officers).  FTS has been considered a great success by the IRS and many taxpayers.  The expansion of this successful alternative dispute resolution makes sense in light of the ever-shrinking resources of the IRS.

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National Taxpayer Advocate 2016 Report – IRS Appeals and Alternative Dispute Resolution

In its annual report to the US Congress, the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) had a lot to say about IRS Appeals and the (lack of) use of other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques. In this post, we will highlight what the TAS had to say in this area.

IRS Appeals

Undoubtedly, one of the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) most successful dispute resolution techniques has been IRS Appeals. Briefly, after the IRS’s Examination Division proposes a tax adjustment, taxpayers have the statutory right to seek an “appeal” of the decision. IRS Appeals is a separate and seemingly independent division of the IRS where one or more appeals officers review the redeterminations and adjustments made by the Examination Division, and attempt to settle the dispute directly with the taxpayer based upon a “hazards of litigation” analysis, much in the same manner as a judge would rule. The TAS acknowledged the success and utility of the IRS Appeals program and mission, but requested that Congress expand the program, giving the IRS the resources it needs to manifest the full intent of the program.

The TAS reported that funding for IRS Appeals has diminished sharply—by about 11 percent from 2013 to 2016, with staff reduced during the same period by 24 percent. In response to shrinking resources, but hobbled by the same duties and similar case load, IRS Appeals has been forced to implement procedures and policies that hamper its long-term mission of providing a fair and impartial review of the Examination Division’s adjustments. The TAS pointed out that these policies have resulted in (1) creating an inhospitable Appeals environment; (2) limiting in-person Appeals conferences; (3) reducing the Appeals officer’s ability to perform a quality substantive review; and (4) failing to protect the rights of taxpayers when conducting collection Appeals hearings. The TAS noted that there has been a large increase of cases docketed in the US Tax Court before seeking an IRS appeal. The TAS believes that docketing a case before it goes to Appeals has added inefficiency and unnecessarily increased the case load of the Tax Court.

The TAS suggested the following solutions:

  1. Expand the locations in which Appeals Officers hear matters. Presently, there are numerous states in which there are no IRS appeals officers. As a result, taxpayers who seek an appeal and request an in-person conference are forced to travel to the states in which an IRS appeals officer is located.
  2. Hold more in-person appeals conferences. The TAS report argues that in-person conferences facilitate the efficient and expeditious settlement of matters.
  3. Revise procedures and policies to allow IRS appeals officers additional discretion and time to undertake factual development and provide more substantive review of matters.

Practice point: We have recently reported about many of the issues facing taxpayers seeking review by IRS Appeals. The TAS confirms our critiques of the system. IRS Appeals is a very good and useful technique that has a high probability of settling cases. Generally, appeals [...]

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